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Lifestyle Company AG (Bern)

Lifestyle Company AG has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
3 Reviews

About Us

The Lifestyle Company stands for real estate services with style. For us, however, this means much more than just presenting your property in the best light using the most modern means and ensuring a first-class appearance.

For us, stylish also means that we are highly reliable and have a keen sense for small - but important - details in property management, real estate marketing and construction for our clients. We also do not believe in one right style. We are convinced that we can find and accentuate each property's own characteristic style.

Our team is just as individual. With our personal strengths, we complement each other to form a family with a big heart and the highest level of commitment, which we can use for our clients every day - even on Monday mornings - with a smile on our faces.

We look forward to your inquiry.

Sincerely, your Lifestyle Company

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Home vis­its
New cus­tom­ers wel­come
Train/Bus sta­tion near­by
Value es­ti­ma­tion

Staff Profile

Christian Andres
Christian Andres
Owner and managing director



Location and contact

Show directions

Lifestyle Company AG

  • office address office address

    Hallwylstrasse 48 3005 Bern

  • Christian Andres

  • Phone Phone
    0313... Show number 031 351 30 31 *
    0788... Show mobile number 078 856 72 58 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • * No listing required

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Lifestyle Company AG has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
3 Reviews

3 reviews from older local.ch. archives

Data from June 2019

Lifestyle Company AG has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
Average: 5,0 of 5

* These texts have been automatically translated.

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Lifestyle Company AG

Mon - Fr
08:00 - 17:00 opening hours
Sat - Sun